作者:yhcyhc123 | 发表时间:2014-11-26 10:24 | 40407官方微博: |
dota2更新日志 dota2更新不朽 dota2不朽肉山礼物更新 dota2更新日志11月25日不朽肉山礼物修复问题: 昨天天主客户端有一个42.3MB的更新,主要是一些BUG修复,没有太多内容,下面开始正题。 首先看看,官方的更新日志,英文版,一会简单渣翻译一下。 Fixed Coup de Grace effects not behaving properly in FoW Fixed Slark losing his existing attack target when casting Shadow Dance Fixed False Promise, when cast on an ally, causing the ally to lose their existing attack target Fixed a case where control groups were not remembered correctly with Meepo Fixed Armlet ticking down when Lifestealer is Infested Fixed bug with low-pri abandonment penalty escalation / de-escalation, causing the penalty to jump from 6 to 16 immediately for many players instead of gradually increasing. All players with a penalty greater than 6 have been reset to 6. 渣翻译 有误欢迎指出 修复PA大招效果在战争谜团里面可以被看到的错误 修复小鱼人在使用暗影之舞的时候会失去攻击目标的错误 修复虚妄之诺对队友使用的时候,会造成队友失去攻击目标的错误 修复米波组队编号会错乱的问题 修复当小狗感染的时候,臂章会继续伤害的问题 修复当被判定为低匹配惩罚,惩罚从6局低匹配直接变为16局低匹配的错误,而不是慢慢增加的错误,之前被设定为16局低匹配的玩家,全部重置为6局低匹配 |