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dota2 6.82改动日志翻译英雄改动全介绍(4)

作者:非常全能的骑士 发表时间:2014-09-24 10:40 40407官方微博:


Shuriken Toss now bounces to all Tracked units within a 900 range

飞镖对施加了 大招的目标施法距离为900


Drunken Brawler*s critical strike/evasion timer increased from 10 to 16/14/12/10 seconds

醉拳主动触发 的致命一击/闪避 的记时 调整为 16/14/12/10 秒一次。


Spin Web now has 1/2/3/4 charges with a 40 second replenish time, instead of a 30 second cooldown [?]

Spin Web time to enter hidden mode after taking damage increased from 3 to 6 seconds

Spin Web movement speed bonus is doubled whenever Broodmother is in hidden mode (having not taken damage recently)

Spin Web phasing and speed bonuses now work on Spiderlings

Spin Webs are now selectable and have an ability to destroy themselves

Spin Web can now be cast from anywhere as long as the new web touches another

Whenever Broodmother is taken out of Spin Web*s free pathing, she destroys nearby trees

育母蜘蛛 :

网现在改为 每 40秒充能 1/2/3/4 次,而不是每30秒施放一次。

受到攻击后 ,蜘蛛在网内的隐身需要时间从3秒改为6秒。

隐身后 网对育母蜘蛛移动速度加成 加倍。

现在 网 对小蜘蛛也有 移动速度加成 和相位移动的效果。

现在 育母蜘蛛可以选择网,并且摧毁它。




Stampede mana cost increased from 80 to 100

踩踏的耗魔从80 增加到100


Phantasm Illusion duration increased from 24 to 34


Penitence duration rebalanced from 7 to 5/6/7/8

Penitence slow and damage amplification rebalanced from 8/16/24/32 to 14/18/22/26

Penitence now amplifies a damage source directly instead of attempting to re-deal a percentage of the damage taken as Physical damage

Penitence cast range increased from 600 to 800

Holy Persuasion is no longer restricted from targeting Spell Immune neutral creeps

Aghanim*s Scepter now allows Holy Persuasion to target Ancient Creeps (maximum 1 Ancient Creep per level of Hand of God)

忏悔的 持续时间从7 调整为5/6/7/8

忏悔的 减速 和增加伤害效果 从8/16/24/32 调整为 14/18/22/26

忏悔现在 会直接增加伤害源头的伤害,而不是将增加的伤害改为物理伤害 作用于目标。

忏悔的施放距离从600 增加到800

神圣劝化 不在有无法释放与魔免中立单位的限制(我了个草)。

A杖现在可以使神圣劝化 远古野(最大数量为大招等级。)。


Searing Arrows is no longer an Attack Modifier

灼热之箭 不再是法球。


Hookshot now pulls Clockwerk to neutral creeps normally like any unit [?]



Frostbite damage interval from 70 per 1 second to 50 per 0.5 seconds (total damage now [?]

Freezing Field explosion radius increased from 230 to 250

冰封禁锢 的伤害从70每秒增加到50 每0.5秒。总伤害150/200/250/300)

冰封领域 的爆炸半径从230增加到250


Vacuum cooldown rescaled from 28.0 seconds to 28 seconds

真空冷却时间从28.0 秒改为28 秒 (有病?)

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