作者:非常全能的骑士 | 发表时间:2014-09-24 10:40 | 40407官方微博: |
![]() 工程师 Land Mines damage type from Composite to Physical (still pierces Spell Immunity) Land Mines damage reduced from 300/400/500/600 to 225/300/375/450 Suicide Squad, Attack! damage type from Composite to Physical (still pierces Spell Immunity) Suicide Squad, Attack! damage reduced from 650/850/1150/1550 (350/400/450/500 partial) to 500/650/850/1150 (260/300/340/380) 地雷的伤害类型 从混合 改为物理 ,并且能穿透技能免疫。 地雷的伤害 从300/400/500/600改为225/300/375/450 自杀袭击 的伤害类型 从混合改为物理 并且能穿透技能免疫 自杀袭击 的伤害从650/850/1150/1550中心(350/400/450/500 外围l)改为500/650/850/1150中心(260/300/340/380外围) ![]() 修补匠 March of the Machines damage type changed from Magical that pierces Spell Immunity to Magical that does not pierce Spell Immunity 机器人进军 伤害类型从魔法穿透技能免疫 改为魔法 不能穿透技能免疫 ![]() 复仇之魂 Wave of Terror damage type from HP Removal to Pure that Pierces Spell Immunity 恐怖波动 的伤害 从生命移除 改为纯粹伤害,穿透技能免疫 ![]() 术士 Fatal Bonds now shares the same damage type that is dealt into it, before it is reduced [?] Fatal Bonds damage percentage from 20% to 25% Flaming Fists damage type from Magical that pierces Spell Immunity to Magical (No longer pierces Spell Immunity) 致命连接传递伤害与伤害源类型相同, 致命连接 传递伤害的比例从20% 增加到25% 火焰之拳 的伤害类型从魔法 穿透技能免疫改为 魔法不穿透技能免疫 ![]() 死灵书 Last Will damage type from Pure to Magical (Still does not pierce Spell Immunity) Last Will damage increased from 400/500/600 to 550/675/800 最后遗愿 的伤害类型 从纯粹 改为魔法 (仍然穿透技能免疫) 最后医院的伤害 从 400/500/600 增加到 550/675/800 ![]() 影之灵龛 Changed from HP Removal to Pure 骨灰盒 的伤害类型 从生命移除 改为纯粹。 Additional Notes: 1) Composite Damage: This damage type has been removed. There are no longer any abilities which use Composite Damage. 2) HP Removal: This is no longer considered a Damage Type, and its remaining uses are as an alternative cost to Mana for spells to use (Sunray, Burning Spears) or as functional HP modifications (Armlet, Sunder, etc). These are now considered usage costs in the game and are never lethal. 说明: 1) 混合伤害类型 现在已经从游戏中移除,dota2中不再有技能是混合伤害。 2)生命移除 已经不再是伤害机制,而是代替法力,作为一些技能的消耗使用(比如烈日灼烤,沸血之矛) 或者作为一些装备或技能的功能(臂章,灵魂隔断,等等),成为游戏中一种有效,而不会致命的成本。 以上是主要改动 |