网页游戏>>Dota2>>新闻资讯>>dota2 6.82改动日志翻译英雄改动全介绍(1

dota2 6.82改动日志翻译英雄改动全介绍(11)

作者:非常全能的骑士 发表时间:2014-09-24 10:40 40407官方微博:


March of the Machines no longer affects Spell Immune units [?]

机器人进攻 现在对魔免无效(不在对BKB和远古野造成伤害)


Nature*s Guise mana cost reduced from 90/80/70/60 to 60

Added Aghanim*s Scepter: Grants a new ability, Eyes in the Forest, which allows Treant to enchant trees to spy on his enemies and expand the area Overgrowth affects.

大自然掩护 法力消耗 从90/80/70/60降低到 60

增加A杖效果: 获得新技能:森林之眼 ,使树精卫士能令树木为他窥探敌军,兵获得过度增长的效果


Ranged Whirling Axes cooldown from 20 to 20/19/18/17 seconds

Acquisition Range increased from 600 to 800 [?]

远程攻击状态 的投掷飞斧技能冷却 从20 降低至20/19/18/17

警戒距离从600 增加到800(就是自动攻击敌方单位的距离)


Ice Shards no longer stops when it hits a hero

Ice Shards now travels until the cast location and creates its blockade there

Ice Shards cast range increased from 1500 to 1800

Ice Shards no longer destroys trees

Snowball bonus speed per hero increased from 75 to 100

Allies can now click in the snowball to jump into it




雪球 从每个裹入其中的英雄获得的移动速度加成 从75 增加到100



Tombstone area of effect increased from 400/600/800/1000 to 600/800/1000/1200

Aghanim*s Scepter Flesh Golem damage amplification increased by 5% at all levels, both min and max [?]

Flesh Golem slow aura increased from 9% to variable from 5% to 15%, based on distance to Undying (same mechanic as the damage amplification)

墓碑 作用半径 从400/600/800/1000 增加到600/800/1000/1200


血肉傀儡的减速光环从9%调整为 5% 到15%,取决于敌军到尸王的距离。


Nether Swap range increased from 650/925/1200 to 700/950/1200

移形换位 的施法距离 从 650/925/1200增加到700/950/1200


Poison Nova applies its debuff on Spell Immune enemies [?]

剧毒新星 也会为魔免单位施加效果(但不会对魔免单位造成伤害)


Corrosive Skin now only affects enemies within 1400 area of effect

Corrosive Skin damage cannot be reflected multiple times


腐蚀外皮 不再会被重复触发


Familiar Stone Form cooldown from 30 to 26

佣兽的石像形态冷却时间从30 秒下降到26秒


Fatal Bonds now shares the same damage type that is dealt to it, before it is reduced [?]

Fatal Bonds damage percentage from 20% to 25%

Golem attack range increased from 100 to 225

Golem Base Attack Time improved from 1.35 to 1.2

Golem HP regeneration increased from 15/20/25 to 15/30/45

Golem Immolation area of effect increased from 250 to 300

Golem Flaming Fists chance reduced from 60% to 40%

致命链接 现在对所被连接的单位产生与伤害源相同类型的伤害,而不再是生命移除。

致命连接 传递伤害的比例从20% 增加到25%

地狱火 的攻击范围 从100增加到225

地狱火的基础攻击间隔 从1.35 下降到1.2

地狱火的生命恢复速度 从 15/20/25 增加到 15/30/45

地狱火献祭作用范围从250 增加到300

地狱火的 火焰之拳 触发几率从60% 下降到40%

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