作者:ggreen&罪非常 | 发表时间:2014-06-19 10:50 | 40407官方微博: |
Team matchmaking is now merged into rankedmatchmaking 战队匹配现在与传统的天梯融合 To play as a team, prepare a party of five forranked matchmaking. Then select the option to play using the team identity. 为了像战队一样开始游戏,必须要有5个可以进行天梯的成员。然后选择战队匹配并且选择要冠名的队伍。 Max team roster size increased from 5 to 7. Anyteam roster change will reset the team MMR. You may not create a team or be a member of ateam until you reach level 13. (Existing teams with players lower than level 13are not removed from the roster, but will be prevented from matchmaking.) 最大的队伍人数从5人提升为7人。任何队伍名单改变将会改变战队天梯分数。你不可以创建一个战队除非你已经13级(原来的队伍如果有13级以下不会被从队伍名单里移除,但是他们将不能参加匹配) Abandonment rules and available gamemodes are now the same as ordinary ranked matchmaking. 秒退或者强退规则以及任意模式现在和天梯匹配是一样的 You may not participate in team matchmakingwhile in the low priority matchmaking pool. 你将不能参加一个战队匹配如果你在低优先匹配池子(黑屋子) Teams will only be matched against other rankedparties of five, preferably against other parties playing using a team identity, butpotentially against ordinary parties not using a team identity. INTERFACE 战队只能匹配到其他5个人的战队,将优先匹配有冠名的战队,但是依然还有潜在的可能性匹配到非冠名的战队。 Visual update to the Hero Picker andLoadout Browser. 更新了新的英雄选择效果以及载入界面 Combined co-op and normal bot match tabs. 结合了机器人对战以及组队人机对战的界面 |