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《最后生还者2》为什么没有多人模式 可能会单独发售多人模式

发布时间:2019-09-27 13:08:39来源:40407作者:新

《最后生还者2》为什么没有多人模式 可能会单独发售多人模式。近日已经确认最后生还者2不会包含多人模式,很多玩家对此产生了非常大的疑问,顽皮狗对此进行了官方解释。

《最后生还者2》为什么没有多人模式 可能会单独发售多人模式



我们希望能澄清《最后生还者2》的多人游戏问题。本作是顽皮狗到目前为止制作的最具雄心的项目。我们发觉,原本承接自《最后生还者》1代的派系模式(Factions mode,多人模式)很适合并入单机剧情中,因此就这么做了。为此我们只好忍痛决定舍弃2代的多人模式。


《最后生还者2》为什么没有多人模式 可能会单独发售多人模式

一代的派系模式(Factions mode)


We wanted to address multiplayer in The Last of Us Part II. As we’ve stated, the single-player campaign is far and away the most ambitious project Naughty Dog has ever undertaken. Likewise, as development began on the evolution of our Factions mode from The Last of Us Part I, the vision of the team grew beyond an additional mode that could be included with our enormous single-player campaign. Wanting to support both visions, we made the difficult choice that The Last of Us Part II would not include an online mode.

However, you will eventually experience the fruits of our team’s online ambition, but not as part of The Last of Us Part II. When and where it will be realized is still to be determined. But rest assured, we are as community and are excited to share more when it’s ready. big a fan of Factions as the rest of our community and are excited to share more when it’s ready.



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