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作者:佚名 来源:网络 发布时间:2015-09-21 16:20:28


海岛奇兵 海岛奇兵10月更新 海岛奇兵野人削弱

海岛奇兵10月更新内容官网原文 更新量巨大



Thanks for the plethora of suggestions, you totally blew my expectations out of the water with the sheer variety! Also, I'm very impressed with how creative most of you were with the use of one word answers...

So here's a list of what we're currently working on, thinking about or ruling out for the time being. However, please bear in mind that nothing below is guaranteed - even the stuff we're currently developing might not turn out as we want it to and may end up changing, being put on the back burner or removed. (大意:以下内容不保证不会变更)

WHAT WE'RE WORKING ON... (正在实现的功能)

Achievements (still! ) (新成就)

Improving the 'Hammerman attacks you' event (哈莫曼进攻事件的改进

Some system(s) to encourage gaining VPs and make it worthwhile to do so (the aim behind this is that matchmaking would benefit from a player-wide consensus to gain VPs) (鼓励玩家升杯的机制)

Ability to see who hasn't done their operation attack (查看战队中尚未进攻者)

Co-Leader rank (新职位:副指挥官)

New prototype weapon(新原型武器)

For reasons I can't yet reveal, we're also working at the same time on something for the update after the next one... (还有一些进行中的,下下次的更新内容,但还不能告诉大家!)

WHAT WE'RE THINKING ABOUT (but not actively developing at the moment)... (考虑要实现的功能)

Encouraging more variety in player base layouts (鼓励玩家阵形多样性)

Being able to chose whether your home base is snow, magma or tropical (FYI, this would probably be purely cosmetic) (玩家自主选择自家岛屿的环境:火山,热带,或冰原)

Different things for Task Forces to do (TF vs. TF, collaborative island) (更多的战队事件:对战,合作等)

Shock mine (震爆地雷)

Fragment crafting queue (being able to turn all Fragments into Shards with one button) (一键将所有水晶颗粒变成水晶碎片)

Increasing the Damage Amplifier's radius (伤害放大器范围提升)

Making Task Force recruitment better within the game (增强游戏中战队招聘的功能)

HQ 21 (引进大本21级)

Task Force mail (Clan mail) for Leader/Co-Leaders/Officers (战队邮件系统,专门针对指挥官,副指挥官,以及军官)

Info showing which Gunboat abilities were used in the activity log (在日志中显示战舰能量的使用)

Replay pausing (回放暂停功能)

More activity ("life") in your home base (岛上增加更多生物)

Daily challenges (e.g. defeat 3 PvP bases, etc.) (每日挑战:如干掉3个非玩家岛等)

Hero unit(s) (新的作战单位:英雄)

More to do after clearing your map (清图以后没事干?增加一些事情让你干。)

Test/practice attacks (模拟/测试进攻)

A bigger event (一个更大的事件)

More Gearheart layouts (女将军的阵形更多样化)

Improving or changing the Resource Base game (增强或改变资源岛的机制)

New Gunboat ability (新的战舰能力)

New Troop (新兵种)

Anti-che@t stuff (反作弊)

Being able to save troop loadouts (存贮登陆舰兵种,类似存贮大本阵形)

Increasing intel gain possibilities (增加情报的掉率)

Better base editing tools (we're thinking about ways to make base layout customisation easier, but we don't like the idea of a full-blown editor) (更好的大本阵形编辑器,但不会是一个全功能的编辑器)

Player profile (玩家资料)

WHAT WE'RE NOT CONSIDERING (we've decided the following stuff doesn't fit Boom in its current form)... (不予考虑的功能)

Statue storage (this would probably add an annoying routine where you would want to switch to as many blue statues as you could each time you log off) (雕像仓库,防止你在不撸人的时候全换成蓝雕)

Personal messages (too risky for abuse/nastiness - however, we are thinking about better ways to help people find and join Task Forces)(个人消息系统,防止互发不健康的消息)

Increasing the amount of Dr. Terror stages (we have an event every day now, so 20 Terror stages feels like it would be too much - also, we're thinking about a new, bigger event anyway...)(增加博士关数)

Changing/"improving" the Grenadier (we think they're in a pretty good place currently, as they fill a niche no other troop does)(提升投弹兵的能力)

New 3D world map (this looks and sounds very cool - we've concepted it, as you all know by now - but we don't have a design for it that adds value or benefits the gameplay)(3D地图)

Using the Gunboat to defend your base (see our Currently Ruled Out Ideas list for more information)(用战舰帮助防守)

Revenge attacks (see our Currently Ruled Out Ideas list for more information)(报仇系统)

Ability to drop VPs (to improve matchmaking we want to encourage people to gain VPs instead, and make it worthwhile for them to do so, not the opposite)(降杯系统)

Develop Boom for Amazon Fire, Kindle, Windows phone, etc. (see our Currently Ruled Out Ideas list for more information)(支持更多的设备玩BB)

Leaving a message after destroying someone's base (this would certainly be fun for some people, but unfortunately the potential for abuse and nastiness is too likely to make us consider it )(摧毁玩家岛后给对方留消息)

Bigger archipelago (it's possible, but not currently on our table as it would require a lot of time from our artists and they've got their hands full with plenty of other cool things right now)(更大的地图)

Operation drawing/planning tool (we think this would introduce a lot of UI clutter/complexity/ugliness and there are probably better ways to help Task Forces co-ordinate which we haven't discovered yet)(帮助战队设定作战计划的画图工具)

Customisable building and troop colours/skins (it's important to be able to recognise buildings at a glance when scouting or attacking, so this could muddy that clarity - also, there are quite strict memory limitations to adding more textures)(用户定制的建筑和兵种皮肤/色彩)

Troops skins (possible, but it's a low priority right now - also, memory limitations as above)(兵种皮肤,有可能考虑,但优先级别低。)

Day/night mode (see our Currently Ruled Out Ideas list for more information)(日间/夜晚模式)

Leader/Co-Leader/Officer only Task Force chat (we think segregating chat is probably a bad idea for the overall happiness of a Task Force)(战队高级官员间的独立聊天系统)

Simultaneously attacking the same base (very challenging to make this work smoothly with the quality/consistency of today's mobile internet around the globe)(多名玩家同时进攻同一副本)

Nukes (OP)(原子弹)

Critter unlocks at HQ 11 (we chose HQ 19 so you would unlock something new at that HQ level and the balance numbers were chosen accordingly)(大本11级解锁机器虫)

Nerfing Warriors (their win rates across the board are around the same as the other troops, so it doesn't feel like there's a good case for doing this)(削弱野人)

Visibility on the resources gained by the attacker (in our opinion this would be confusing for most players and there isn't anything you can do with that information)(查看进攻你的人到底获得了多少资源)

Heavies riding elephants ()(胖子骑大象)

No OP reward if you don't attack (this would mean that who gets to attack/contribute would become a race and it wouldn't promote teamwork)(不进攻副本的人没有奖励)

Diamonds to speed up Submarine dives (we don't want Power Stones to be purchasable)(用钻石秒潜艇潜水时间,因为这样会使水晶变得可以用钻石购买)

More builders (see here)(更多的工人)

I-Win-Button ()(“我赢了” 按钮)

Trenches or walls (see our Currently Ruled Out Ideas list for more information)(壕沟,城墙)

Live replays when being attacked (a small-ish percentage of players would get to experience this, so spending development time on it is low priority and not on our table right now)(被攻击时实行播放)



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