网页游戏>>Dota2>>新闻资讯>>dota2V社将会推出全新英雄 新改动6.82版

dota2V社将会推出全新英雄 新改动6.82版本可能更新

作者:佚名 发表时间:2014-07-29 16:55 40407官方微博:

dota2V社将会推出全新英雄 新改动6.82版本可能更新:

Following the reveal of Techies at The International 4, Dota 2 is one step closer to catching up to the original DotA’s character count — and once it does, Valve will introduce new characters.


Confirming obvious suspicions, Valve’s Erik Johnson told IGN that, yes, Valve plans to create new Heroesfor Dota 2. When asked about adding new Valve-created characters once Dota 2 catches up to theoriginal DotA's huge character roster, Valve’s Erik Johnson said, “Yes. We just keep going. Dota never stops."

为了确认这些猜测,IGN采访了V社的Erik Johnson,他说是的,V社确实有为DOTA2创造新英雄的打算。当问及是否会在DOTA1的众多英雄全部搬运到DOTA2之后,再增加新的V社系英雄时,Erik Johnson回答说,“对,我们会继续的,DOTA永无止境。”

Characters currently not part of the ever-updating Dota 2 include Pit Lord, Arc Warden, Winter Wyvern, Oracle,and Techies. Eventually,"There’ll be new heroes, there’ll be new changes to the game," Johnson said. Moving onto Dota 3,he explained, doesn't "really make sense.... There’s no point where we say, ‘Alright, we’re done. Let’s move on to the next one.’”


Techies will presumably come with the next major Dota 2 update.



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