作者:涂墨 | 发表时间:2014-03-14 10:32 | 40407官方微博: |
dota2 TEST更新天梯结束后显示得分3月13日 3月13日DOTA2 TEST(测试)客户端 有一个859.7MB(国服大小会不同)的更新 大部分是正式客户端已经有的东西 但是同时也有更新日志和一些新物品 相信主客户端应该明天就会更新了 下面开始正题 更新日志 英文版: ?Ranked matches will now show all calibrated player MMRs on the scoreboard at the end of a game that completes normally. ?Warning prompts in client and system messages from the gameserver concerning leaving a match have been improved to be more clear and specific to the current situation. ?Added an experimental method to determine when multiple players in a region are experiencing poor network connectivity. When this is detected, players in the affected matches will be notified that the match will not be scored, and it is safe to leave. ?Added a cooldown to re-enter matchmaking if you fail to load or leave a game while waiting for other players to load. ?The cooldown time to rejoin matchmaking after failing to ready up, declining, failing to load into the match, or leaving the match while waiting for others players to load will now escalate upon repeated failures. ?Added Ukrainian language text localization. ?Replays for games hosted in other regions (including China) are now faster to download 简单中文翻译版本: 1.现在天梯比赛在正常结束以后,比赛结果会显示玩家的MMR得分 2.现在提示系统会更加准确的显示玩家是为何离开游戏(掉线还是放弃等等) 3.游戏将进行一个实验措施,当匹配服务器发现多个玩家来自同一个地区存在网络问题和严重延迟,游戏会发出消息让玩家知道因为网络连接状况不好,玩家可以安全离开游戏,并且不计算比赛结果 4.当等待其他玩家载入的时候,你如果没有载入成功或者直接离开游戏,你匹配下一局比赛将会有CD(等待)时间 5.匹配下一局比赛的CD(等待)时间将根据你在等待其他玩家载入的时候,没有接受比赛,拒绝比赛,没有成功载入,或者离开游戏的次数而逐步增加 6.添加乌克兰语言 7.REP(录像)在其他地区(包括中国)的下载速度得到提高 Free To Play大礼包的物品预览图加入后台 并且屠夫和斯温的载入图也已经加入后台 ![]() ![]() 更多精彩推荐: 更多精彩内容尽在40407Dota2专区http://www.40407.com/dota2/ |