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Looking to create a unique and professional digital signature for your name? Look no further than Signature Maker Pro! Signature Maker Pro offers a convenient way to generate personalized name signatures for all your documents and contracts. With features like auto signature, font color selection, text styles, and background color options, you can easily create a signature that reflects your individuality. Additionally, the app allows you to sign and fill important documents digitally, saving you time and effort. With Signature Maker and Signature Creator, you can easily go paperless and secure your signature with just a few clicks. Download the app now and start creating your digital signature today!
Convenient: Easily create digital name signatures for your documents.
Auto Signature: Quickly generate a signature by entering your name.
Customization: Choose from various signature styles, font colors, and text styles.
Time-saving: Create new digital signatures efficiently with the autograph creator.
Is the app secure for storing digital signatures and signed documents?
- Yes, all data is stored securely on your local mobile storage.
Can I share my electronic signature on social media platforms?
- Yes, you can easily share your digital signature on various social media platforms.
Are there options for adding watermarks on photos?
- Yes, the app allows you to add watermarks on photos.
With easy-to-use features like auto signature creation, customization options, and secure storage, the Signature Maker and Creator app is a convenient tool for generating digital signatures for your documents. Whether you need to sign contracts or important documents, this app provides a time-saving solution for creating and sharing digital signatures. Download the app today to streamline your signature process.
File size: 134.21 M Latest Version: 20.1
Requirements: Android Language: English
Votes: 440 Package ID: com.fairapps.signaturemakerpro
Developer: Fair Apps Store.
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