

作者:LQ 来源:未知 发布时间:2013-12-12 14:03









Hey everyone!

Happy patch day and welcome to Hearthstone Closed Beta!!! Below you will find the Known Issues list for. Please do not report bugs that you see on this list, as we already know about them, and help out other players reporting bugs by referring them to this list.

As a reminder, this list will not list every bug that is active and occurring in Hearthstone. What it is listing are a select few issues -- chosen due to severity/impact -- that are active and confirmed as bugs by Quality Assurance with verifiable steps and an expected fix. We have hundreds of bugs in our database, so it would be impossible to list all known issues. Just because a bug is not on this list does not mean we don't know about it! In addition, potential exploits and the like will never be listed here.

Please note that documented bugs may not always be fixed in the order in which they were reported. In some cases, we may not have a timeline for a when a bug will be fixed and some bugs may not be able to be fixed at all. If we are able to verify that a documented bug cannot be fixed, it will be removed from this list.

Thank you for your continued reports, and enjoy Hearthstone!!!

Known Issues:


Gaps and overlapping can occur in your hand if minion cards are played quickly.


Beginning a new arena run while receiving a daily quest can cause certain buttons to become unresponsive.

High latency while playing games can result in connection issues, causing actions to not register or players to miss turns.

Loading into games on Mac while using High graphical settings an cause temporary graphical issues.

Edited by Rolkyr on 12/10/2013 2:45 PM PST



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